Refuge Recovery Workshops start this month

Want to get more involved in Refuge Recovery? Have questions? Do you have experience to share? Come to a Refuge Recovery workshop! The subject of the first workshop is: What is Refuge Recovery? These workshops are based in the practice and experience of the Refuge Recovery program. These workshops are led by members of Refuge Recovery that have been trained and authorized by RRWS. The first three West Coast Workshops to be led by Rachael Savage from Refuge Recovery Seattle. RR Workshops have been created to answer many of the questions that new and experienced sangha members alike may have about the Refuge Recovery program and to support your recovery practice.

The first three workshops are happening: In Seattle at Rebel Saints Meditation Society, February 29th 10am-1pm, In Eugene Oregon at the Buddha Eye Temple, Saturday March 7th, from noon-3pm, and in Portland Oregon at the Taborspace, Saturday March 28th, from 1-4pm.

Suggested donation is 20$. Dana collected is divided equally and used to support the local meeting or inter-sangha sponsoring the workshop and your RR World Services non-profit. Workshop leaders may receive a small amount of dana to cover per diem travel and meal expenses. These are the first of many workshops to come offering topics such as Inventory, How to start and grow a RR meeting, A How to for Mentors/Mentees and more as needed.

For questions, suggestions and workshop requests for your area please contact: