Voices of the Sangha

The Precepts by Tyler Lewke

The Precepts

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-jk77472c’ admin_preview_bg=’rgb(255, 255, 255)’] Tyler Lewke Refuge Recovery Chicago Our vow of ethical practice for when shit hits the fan… When I first took the Precepts, and then again, and then again, I felt this weird hollowness. “Wait, that’s it?” I understood intellectually that I should commit and “work” …

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Voices of the Sangha: Tanya


This month we bring you Tanya’s story, one of our members from the London sangha. Tell me a little about yourself? I’m a mish mash of cultures: born in London but brought up in Italy, Africa and the Middle East. My parents are a mix of Italian (father) and South African (mother), raised in two, …

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Hannah Joan

by Hannah Joan, Syracuse, NY We started in May 2017. The story of how we started began in September 2016 when I woke up in my car; not an unusual thing to happen to me seeing as I had an alcohol problem, but because I also had an eating disorder I was often drinking instead of …

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